Do you have trouble saying ‘no’?

Do you ever feel numb or disconnected from your body?

Do you find the same old patterns continuing to play out in your life?

Do you ever feel unable to speak your true feelings?

Do you ever seek approval from others?

Women’s Awakening Journey online program will show you how to listen to your own body and its deep wisdom, and give you a deeper level of connection with your body, mind and spirit. It’s been designed to give you a safe way to find out what is holding you back from living in confidence and joy, more empowered, and connected to your womb and your womanhood.

During this online program you will gain an understanding of where, and why you became disconnected from your body, and in particular from your womb and pelvic space.

“..the Women’s Awakening Journey shone a light on my life, and it has profoundly changed the way I see myself as a woman…”

“..I’ve learnt how to really listen to my body….I finally trust my intuition and don’t seek approval from others anymore…I recommend this course to every woman…”

Women’s Awakening Journey invites you to:

Establish strong, healthy boundaries

Build a sense of safety and connection in your body

Identify belief systems and patterns that continue to influence you

Explore the stories you hold in your body

Connect with your inner wisdom and authority

Women’s Awakening Journey online program includes:

11 interactive self-paced modules

Creative discovery processes

Opportunities for reflection and self-inquiry

Your own downloadable workbook

Both audio and visual teaching materials

6x1hr fortnightly live group zoom sessions with Julia

Next group intake commencing 1st June 2023

First group zoom session with Julia on 7th June 2023

You may find that you need more time to reflect on certain modules and this program offers you the flexibility to do that. You will have open access to the program for 6 months to allow self-paced completion of the modules.

Special offer of $685AUD

Meet Julia Rossmanith

I‘m Julia Rossmanith. I have been working with women and their bodies for over 15 years. I am a certified Arvigo® practitioner and an Holistic Pelvic Care™ practitioner. I have a Science degree majoring in Anatomy and Physiology and have trained in kinesiology.

I'm a mother of four and have birthed in many different ways; two caesarean sections, a VBAC2 and a homebirth.

This online program was born out of my own healing journey as well as years of working with clients.


'This course came at the perfect time for me. I was feeling shut down, fed up, unable to see a way forward, and definitely out of touch with my body and my feelings. But this course shone a light on my life, and it has profoundly changed the way I see myself as a woman. Julia is a warm, authentic teacher, and thanks to her and her course, I feel more alive and excited about the future.'

~ Bianca Frascatti ~

'This course has changed the way I live my life as a woman. It has showed me the amazing connection we can have to our body as women.
I have learned how to really listen to my body, how to be in continuous conversation with my womb and how to be guided through life from this space.
I finally trust my intuition and don't seek approval from others anymore.
I recommend this course to every woman! '

~ Lisa Kohlstaedt ~

'Julia's work has been a revelation for me. This program helped me to reawaken the deep, primal and spiritual connection to my body. I went from feeling numb and disconnected, to feeling powerful and embodied. Julia is an incredible teacher, you can feel her years of experience shining through as she guides you through the course. I loved being able to take the modules at my own pace and return to them when I needed to deepen my understanding.

By reclaiming my connection to myself, my connection to my own pleasure deepened significantly. I feel more at ease and more confident than I have felt in years. This has carried through into every aspect of my life and had such a profoundly positive impact. I couldn't recommend this course more highly.'

~ Ruby Swann ~

The online course has really helped me to learn to embody my boundaries. I feel much more comfortable honouring my own needs. Before I would constantly struggle with people pleasing, and it really drained my energy. Working through the modules helped me to understand what emotional patterns were holding me back.

I feel so much safer in my body, which is an incredibly liberating feeling. I have also been able to further explore my own feminine power. This has boosted my creativity immensely and reconnected me with my purpose. Julia is a warm and grounded teacher and receiving her incredible knowledge is such a gift. I feel lighter, more powerful and much more free! I would recommend this online program to all women.

~ Elise Brook ~

'Julia Rossmanith is a rare breed. Her integrity, wisdom and kindness equal to her intuitive senses, she feels like the safest person on earth to be doing this incredibly healing intimate work. The trust that is required for this work is huge and personally this trust felt inherent the moment I met Julia……This work is deeply healing, important and transformative.'

~ I. Lucas ~

'Warm, intelligent and wise, Julia’s knowledge is backed up by such clear intuition as well as practical experience. Being a mother of four herself she has a deep compassion and understanding for the vastness of our experiences as women. This makes her even more gifted at her work, which is utterly transformative.'

 ~ Zoe Gameau ~

'I really want to thank you so much for your wonderful craft that you share. It’s an excellent vehicle for your sharp intuition and healing energy. I really feel as if I have shifted a 28 year old negative pattern. I feel so incredibly unburdened by this now. I had tried so many ways to get to the bottom of it and you helped me nail it concisely in an instant. I am so grateful Julia.'

~ Petra Andromeda ~


  • What will I get out of the program?

    This program is a deep inquiry in to your internal world. It will give you an understanding of what you may be holding in your womb and pelvic space, and will shine a light on this to bring healing and integration and to allow you to move forward in an empowered way. To get the most out of this program you will need to be honest with yourself and be accountable for your choices and actions. You will get to know yourself more deeply and form a new relationship with what it means to be a woman living life connected to her womb.

  • Who can benefit from doing this program?

    This program is for any woman who: 1/ has been feeling numb or disconnected from her body and would like to explore and understand the reasons for that. 2/ is looking for a deeper level of self-connection. 3/ would like to reclaim those parts of herself that she has shut down. 4/ would like to learn to listen to her own body and its deep wisdom. In fact, every woman can benefit from doing this program.

  • What if I no longer have a womb?

    Even if you no longer have a womb, the energy of your womb remains. The same is true of any body part that’s been removed. The content of the program is just as powerful if you no longer have a womb, helping you to clear old blockages and clear patterns that you may still hold energetically.

  • What age do i need to be to do the program?

    This program has been designed for women aged from their mid 20s and beyond. However, if you are over 20 years old and feel you are being called to do this journey, then you are welcome to sign up.

  • How long do i have access to the program?

    You will have 6-months access to the program to allow self-paced completion of the modules. The Nurtured Womb® understands that we process things in layers and so wants you to be able to come back to the program at any time for 6-months.

  • How long will it take for me to complete this program?

    This is really up to the individual. Some participants have found that spending 3-4 hours a week for 8 weeks allows them to fully engage with the program, so use this as a guide. There are 11 module and some are longer than others. I encourage you to take the time to sit with each module and have a chance to integrate it before moving on to the next. As it is self-paced, you can do it when and how it suits you. That said, it is a self-paced program and up to the individual as to how slowly or quickly you want to move through it. I do encourage you to make time to come back to modules in order to reflect more deeply on them.

  • What is included in the program?

    This program consists of 11 specially designed self-paced modules. It is made up of a downloadable workbook and audio-visual teaching materials. It includes reflective, self-inquiry, and visualisation processes to identify and release blockages that you have been holding your entire life. Each module will take you step by step more deeply into your inner world. It also included 6x1hr monthly live zoom group calls with Julia

  • How long should I take to complete each module?

    I encourage you to take the time to sit with each module and have the chance to integrate it before moving on to the next. Each module builds on the other. Some modules are longer than others. Some participants have found that spending 3 hours a week for 8 weeks allows them to fully engage with the course, so use this as a guide.

  • How do I enrol for the program?

    Click on the button ‘enrol now’. It will take you to a ‘create an account’ page, you will create an account and then pay. Once you’ve made your payment, you will get a welcome notification in your email which will give you a link to sign in.

  • What payment methods can I use?

    You can pay by credit card using Stripe or by using your PayPal account.

  • Can I request a refund if I find that the program is not for me?

    No refunds are available once payment has been processed.

  • Am I allowed to share my login with others?

    No. The login access is for your personal use only. We are pleased for you to recommend the program to others, but please respect and honour the requirement that the login if for you only.

  • Do you advise that I do the Women’s Awakening Journey before enrolling in your other programs?

    This program is the basis for many of the other programs created by The Nurtured Womb:- ‘An Awakened Look At Fertility’, ‘Postpartum Healing Journey’, ‘Libido Awakening Journey’ and ‘Menopause Wisdom Journey’.


There are 11 modules and a downloadable workbook. Special offer of $685

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Join us for the Women's Awakening Journey

Special Offer of $685